Friday, August 31, 2007

Magento Demo Store and Admin

Magento was released today. You can view the demo store and admin here:
User: admin
Pass: 123123

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Magento Demo Store and Magento Themes, Layouts, Templates, Skins and Translations

With the release of Magento Commerce Beta 1, I plan creating a Magento Demo Store that will run the Beta and will sell Magento Themes. The development team at Varien has not released the exact details on how Magento Themes will work, but they have stated that they are based on the Zend Framework.

The Magento Template structure has design packages that are easily uploadable in the Magento admin. Each Design Package has themes, with include layouts, templates, skins, and translations. The layouts are based on XML files that define the block structure. Templates are the HTML templates, and the skins are CSS and images. The translations have to do with the Zend_Translate class, which is part of the Zend Framework.

I'll post more once the Magento Forum and Wiki are opened to the public. The demo Magento Shop should be available in the next few days.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Automatic Keyword Generation

I posted a while back about the Automatic Keyword Generator PHP class by Ver Pangonilo. This works pretty well, but can only find keywords based on the text you input. It cannot generate related terms, synonyms, etc. However, the Yahoo Content Analysis Web Service can do all these things and more.

You can generate these keywords using the following function:

function implodeAssoc($array, $inner_glue='=', $outer_glue='&') {
$output = array();
foreach( $array as $key => $item ){
$output[] = $key . $inner_glue . $item;
return implode($outer_glue, $output);

function getKeywords($text) {
$baseurl = '';
$params = array('appid'=>'YahooDemo',

$request = $baseurl . '?' . implodeAssoc($params);
$xml = file_get_contents($request);
$result = unserialize($xml);
$keywords_array = $result['ResultSet']['Result'];
$keywords = implode(",",$keywords_array);

echo getKeywords("Bill Gates to Finally Receive His Harvard Degree. It's not like he needs it to beef up his resume, but the world's richest college dropout is finally getting his degree. Bill Gates, chairman of Microsoft Corp.");

This will output:
bill gates,harvard degree,microsoft corp,college dropout,resume