Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Article Miner

Inspired by a recent post on Burt's Blog (, I decided to write a quick article miner. It was actually a lot easier then I thought, and works great. I only have it setup to get 10 articles per keyword, but I believe that will be plenty.

I made mine to work with RSSG and Other article sites could be added fairly easily, but I didn't take the time to do so.

I'm not sure what Article Miner does to the HTML or to the text in the articles. Does it change words, or redesign HTML so that the article appears to be original? I'm thinking about adding this functionality, but I doubt changing the article text would be allowed due to copyrights.

Let me know if you use RSSG and want to BETA test the script (its really rough). I'll only allow an AIS regular (I have to recognize your name) to test the script. I think I'll sell the download for a few bucks once I refine it.

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