Sunday, November 13, 2005

Lack of Updates

I apologize for the lack of posts to this blog, I've been really busy. I just bought a house, and have been preparing for moving. So far this month, I've only made $7.66 on adsense. I am still having a really hard time getting indexed, and am pretty disappointed in my sites in general. I haven't spent a huge amount of time on them in the last week or so, but I really thought I'd be indexed by Google by now. Most of my sites have the index page in Google, but no other pages.

I'm pretty happy with the way my Chitika / Adsense / Amazon / osCommerce integration turned out. Most of the pages really work out with the Chitika ads, but on approx. 5% of pages Chitika displays a completely unrelated ad. The ads are being generated by feeding the product title as a keyword. It seems that when Chitika doesn't have a related product, it just displays something random. Not the best, but as Chitika grows, this percentage should lower. You can see that page here:

I've made $73.01 from an affiliate on my one site that is indexed. As for the person that asked about NPB sites... I still have not paid for any keyword list or software. My only costs are for hosting and domain names.

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